About Us

Small inlet selfie 2

Your hosts, Denise and Mike, moved to Quadra Island after having lived in the Yukon Territory for a combined 70 years. A family visit introduced the couple to Quadra. Four years later, they now call this unique and beautiful place home. Easy … simply trade one extraordinary location for another.

Denise continues to work in the fields of health care and education, while Mike is officially retired but does contract work for various organizations. Both believe in the power of community continuing their volunteer efforts on island.

This couple holds a passion for the out of doors. Spare time finds them x-country skiing, mountain biking, hiking, paddling, and gardening.

Running a B and B on Quadra Island, allows for Denise to practice her “eastern Canadian” hospitality. She is originally from Nova Scotia. Mike patiently supports his partner’s stories, which comes with having a spouse from that part of Canada.